In today’s complex and interconnected world, collaboration is increasingly recognized as a powerful tool for addressing social and environmental challenges. However, quantifying the impact of collaborative efforts can be a complex and challenging task. This is where Social Return on Investment (SROI) comes into play.

What is Social Return on Investment (SROI)?

SROI is a methodology for measuring the social, economic, and environmental value created by an investment or initiative. It is a comprehensive framework that goes beyond traditional financial measures such as return on investment (ROI) to capture the broader impact of an initiative.

Why is SROI Important for Collaboration?

SROI is particularly important for collaborative initiatives because it helps to:

  • Demonstrate the value of collaboration: SROI can show the positive impact that collaborative initiatives have on society, which can encourage further investment in collaboration.

  • Track progress and improve initiatives: SROI can be used to track the progress of collaborative initiatives and identify areas for improvement.

  • Make informed decisions: SROI can be used to compare the relative value of different collaborative initiatives, helping decision-makers choose the most effective approaches.

Measuring SROI for Collaborative Initiatives

Measuring SROI for collaborative initiatives can be a complex task due to the diversity of stakeholders and the long-term nature of the impact. However, there are several steps that can be taken to make SROI measurement more manageable:

  • Define the scope and goals of the SROI assessment: Clearly identify the objectives of the collaborative initiative and the stakeholders that will benefit from its impact.

  • Identify and quantify the social, economic, and environmental impacts: Develop a comprehensive list of the positive and negative impacts of the initiative, and assign monetary values to these impacts whenever possible.

  • Gather data and conduct analysis: Collect data on the initiative’s impact using a variety of sources, such as surveys, interviews, and financial records. Analyze the data to calculate the SROI of the initiative.

  • Communicate the SROI findings: Share the SROI findings with stakeholders and use them to inform decision-making and advocacy efforts.

The Role of DOGETHER in SROI for Collaboration

DOGETHER can play a significant role in SROI for collaboration by:

  • Providing tools and resources for conducting SROI assessments: DOGETHER can develop templates, case studies, and training materials for SROI practitioners.

  • Fostering a community of SROI practitioners: DOGETHER can create a platform for SROI practitioners to connect, share knowledge, and learn from each other.

  • Promoting SROI standards and guidelines: DOGETHER can advocate for the development of standardized SROI methodologies and metrics.


SROI is a valuable tool for measuring the impact of collaboration and demonstrating the value of collective impact. By using SROI, we can make better decisions about how to invest in collaboration and ensure that these initiatives are having a positive impact on society.

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